National GP Organisations
Listed below are groups which represent general practitioners across Australia. For the other (non-general practice) Australian colleges click here.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
The RACGP was formed in 1958 with the stated aim "to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians by supporting GPs, as well as the medical education of the undergraduate, recent graduate, and those already in practice".
The Australian College of Remote and Rural Medicine (ACRRM)
ACRRM was formed in 1997 by the Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA). Its aims are to
- deliver rural and remote medicine as a broad but discrete form of general practice
- provide well-designed vocational training and continuing medical education for rural doctors, and
- address the shortage of rural and remote doctors in Australia, by providing them with a separate and distinctive professional body
The Australian General Practitioners Alliance (AGPA)
The The Australian General Practitioners Association (AGPA) is an independent organisation which was founded in 2016 with the aim of representing GP practice owners to ensure the viability of their practices, recognising that the Australian model of GP owned private general practice has been responsible for our international reputation as an efficient and highly effective primary health care service. AGPA aims to work alongside the AMA and RACGP as an independent voice to represent GPs who believe that ownership of practices by GPs best aligns business objectives with patient outcomes, the aim being to shape practices to provide sustainable, safe and accessible care. While needing to operate with business principles, the overarching objective is to provide excellent health care to patients over the long term.
Contact: via website form
The Association of Australian General Practitioners (AAGP)
The Australian Association of General Practice ( AAGP) is an independent organisation which was founded and led by GPs with the aim of representing all Australian GPs. It is currently in the process of re-inventing itself. Current Board Members of AAGP are Dr Rod Pearce (Adelaide), Dr Nick Demediuk (Melbourne), Dr Graeme Downe (Melbourne), Dr Jayne Ingham(Brisbane) and Mr David Singe (CEO).
Contact: Mr David Singe (CEO) - Email: david.singe@aagp.net.au
The United General Practitioners Association(UGPA)
The United General Practitioners Association is a group which is made up from the following:
- The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
- The Australian Medical Association (AMA)
- The Australian General Practice Network (AGPN)
- The Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA)
- General Practice Supervisors Australia (GPSA)
- The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
- General Practice Registrars Australia (GPRA)