Local and Regional Advocacy Groups
When the Divisions of General Practice were formed, a network connecting general practitioners (GPs) was created. These Divisions had locally elected members who could represent the doctors of each local area. Later, the Australian Divisions of General Practice (ADGP) was created to represent all of the Divisions. Although the Divisions were not political in their establishment, the arrangement empowered general practice to a degree not ever seen before. The Federal government, in its wisdom, managed to divide and conquer the GPs of Australia by morphing Divisions into Medicare Locals and then into Primary Health Networks (PHNs). The PHNs have no direct relationship to general practice. General practice has now been left without a united voice. The RACGP is focussed on education and standards and not political representation. The ACRRM has more of a political will but because it represents rural doctors, can not say that it represents all GPs. The AMA represents all doctors in Australia but not specifically GPs.
The following are GP representative groups that support their local GPs. They are also prepared to be advocates: to speak for their local GPs in discussions with local district and/or government health authorities.
If there is a significant issue facing general practitioners, these groups have the ability to link together to become a powerful voice.
The Hunter General Practioners' Association
There are many factors that threaten the viability of general practice. The HGPA aims to support general practitioners in the Hunter Valley, to hear their concerns and represent them before local health services and government authorities, for the purpose of improving the health care of our patients and securing the viability of general practice. It is looking for like-minded general practice groups to partner in this endeavour. The HPGA is a group of general practitioners (GPs), led by GPs, for GPs.
Website: huntergpa.org
Contact person: Dr Fiona Van Leeuwen (president)
Contact page: Click here
GP Network Northside (GPNN)
GPNN was formerly the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Ryde Division of General Practice. The Board and members of GP Network Northside decided to as an independently-funded not-for-profit company that would improve the health of the community through the support & enhancement of general practice. Membership: GPs. Associate membership: Others who support the groups objectives. Constitution click here.
- facilitating improved liaison between general practitioners and other areas of the health care system.
- facilitating the advancement of general practice.
- enhancing educational and professional development opportunities for general practitioners and undergraduates.
- facilitating increased general practitioner focus on illness prevention and health promotion activities.
Website: gpnn.org.au
Contact person: Tricia Rowlison (Chair)
Email: admin@gpnn.org.au
Phone: (02) 8006 9651
Northern Rivers General Practice Network
The NRGPN's goals are to improve health care of the people in the Nothern Rivers District and to assist GPs in this task via education and networking and representation. See Objects of the NRDGP or the NRDGP Constitution.. Membership is open to all local GPs (practicing and not practicing).
Website: nrgpn.org.au
Contact person: Leanne Tully (administrative officer)
Email: info@nrgpn.org.au
Phone: 02 6622 4453
Nepean GP Network
The NGPN's objects are the education, promotion and advocacy of general practitioners, and improvement of health delivery to the peope living in their district. Memberships and associate memberships are available for GPs in the Penrith LGA.
Website: nepeangpnet.org.au
Contact person: Mr Michael Edwards
Email: Office@NepeanGPnet.org.au
Phone: (02) 4734 8556
North East Valley Division of General Practice
The NEVDGP's aims are:
- Increase the amount and level of GP involvement in the activities of the Division.
- Meet GP CPD and Training needs
- Encourage and facilitate linkages between GPs and their communities.
- Plan and Implement Divisional activities to address identified Health Population Needs.
- Promote sustainable health promotion and preventative strategies to patients and the community through local GPs.
- Maintain an organisational structure that is responsive to change.
- Facilitate communication between GPs, the Division and other agencies.
- To promote the Health & Wellbeing of General Practitioners to General Practitioners.
- To provide advocacy on behalf of General Practitioners to a variety of bodies & organisations.
Membership is available to GPs practicing in their area. Associate membership is available to GPs working outside thier area.
Website: nevdgp.org.au
Contact persons: Dr Peter Eizenberg (chairman) and Ken Mansbridge (CEO)
Email: nevdgp@nevdgp.org.au
Phone: (03) 9496 4333
Central Sydney GP Network
Regarding the CSGPN:
- Membership is available to general practitioners, aboriginal health workers, practice managers or practice nurses whose practice is in the Central Sydney GP Network area.
- Associate membership is available to those groups, as above who work outside of the defined area and to GP registrars.
- The CSGPN area comprises the local government areas of Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Leichhardt, Marrickville, Strathfield and the southern and western statistical local areas of the Sydney local government area.
- Fees are $88 per year.
Website: http://www.csgpn.org.au
Contact person: Dr Aline Smith (Chair)
Email: office@csgpn.com.au
Phone: 02 9799 0933
Sydney South West GP Link
The SSWGPLink:
- aims to assist GPs to enhance their capacity and skills to achieve optimal patient/community benefit by providing education opportunities
- is the voice for GPs in South West Sydney
- aims to facilitate networking opportunities for GPs and provide links to key clinical providers
Website: https://sswgpl.com/
Email: admin@sswgpl.com
Or contact via web form: https://sswgpl.com/contact-us/
The South Eastern Health Providers Association
The SEHPA is a member-based not for profit organisation. SEHPA, formerly Dandenong Casey General Practice Association (DCGPA), and has been providing support and professional development services for GPs and their staff since 1993. From 2012, membership has also been open to nurses, allied health professionals and primary care support staff. SEHPA provides primary health care professionals with:
- A voice within the broader health care system
- Access to quality continuing professional development
- Resources
- Network opportunities.
Website: sehpa.com.au
Contact person: Dr Greg Wyatt (Chair)
Email: admin@sehpa.com.au
Phone: 1300 473 472
GPpartners is an independent membership organisation for (GPs) in the northern and western suburbs of Brisbane. "Our advocacy role promotes General Practice as the major focus of primary health care. We advocate to make sure General Practice is considered in local and national health system policy, planning and implementation. We work to improve liaison and association between General Practitioners and the relevant parties in the health system.". Formerly the Brisbane North Division of General Practice.
Website: gppartners.com.au
Contact person: Dr Jayne Ingram (Chair)
Email: contact@gppartners.com.au
Phone: 0432 630 445
General Practice Gold Coast
Membership is of GPs. Associate membership can include non-specialist medical practitioners, practice nurses and practice managers.
Formerly the Gold Coast Division of General Practice
Website: gpgc.com.au
Contact person: Dr Roger Halliwell (President)
Email: admin@gpgc.com.au
Phione: 07 5507 7777
GP Connections
GP Connections represents GPs in the Toowoomba and surrounding districts. hey are a not-for-profit organisation that is dedicated to providing quality education, advocacy and support to General Practice and Primary Health Care. Their aims include the provision of:
- professional and educational development opportunities;
- business and practice management development opportunities
- support for local general practice networks and teams
- assistance in implementing new models for managing Primary Care workforce issues
Website: gpconnections.com.au
Contact person: Dr Hume Rendle-Short (Chair)
Email: gpc@gpconnections.com.au
Phone: (07) 4688 8155
RHealth is a Non-Profit Program and Project Management member-based organisation specialising in health promotion and clinical service delivery to regional, rural and remote communities, and support to the Primary Health Care providers in these regions (in particular, general practice). Voting members are GPs, non-voting members are those whom the board considers will help achieve their goals.
Website: rhealth.com.au
Contact person: Dr Ross Hetherington (Elected Director and President)
Email: rhealth@rhealth.com.au
Phone: 07 4638 1377
GPLinks Wide Bay
GPLinks Wide Bay was previously the Bundaberg and District Divisions of General Practice. It is a membership based organisation with a stated aim to support and enhance general practice and allied health, by facilitating communication and collaboration between general pracitioners, their practices, other health service providers and the community.
Website: gplinks.org.au
Contact person: Dr Paul Neeskens (Board Chair)
Email: Email form
Greater Eastern Primary Health (GEPH)
Greater Eastern Primary Health was formerly the Knox Division of General Practice, which was initially established in 1993. It is an independant GP organisation whose aim is to "To assist General Practitioners in providing excellent Health Care to the Community".
Website: geph.com.au
Email: admin@geph.com.au
Contact person: Dr. Igor Jakubowicz - phone 03 98019055
GP partners Australia (GPP Australia)
GPP Australia is a registered not for profit membership based organisation supporting General Practitioners across the metropolitan and rural and regional areas of South Australia to care for the community. GP partners Australia is committed to promoting General Practice as the major focus of primary health care and as the prime entity for the delivery of effective integrated health management for individuals and families.
Website: gppaustralia.org.au
Email: info@gppaustralia.org.au
Contact person: Dr. Andrew Kellie (chair)
Phone: (08) 8112 1100
Health First Newtork
Health First Newtork is a not-for-profit health service organisation focussed on supporting population health and primary health care providers. Healthfirst Network is also a member based organisation for advancing innovation in General Practice since 1993. We welcome GPs, practice nurses and staff, and other primary care providers as members or associates. Call us and join now for great service and benefits.
Website: healthfirst.org.au
Email: contact@healthfirst.org.au
Contact person: Dr Pas Cocchiaro (chair)
Phone: (08)8 8408 1699
Murray Mallee General Practice Newtork
The Murray Mallee General Practice Newtork is an independent, “not for profit”, membership based organisation which delivers local health solutions through general practice, addressing gaps in health service provision for people who may have difficulty accessing primary care services.
Email: admin@mmgpn.org.au
Contact person: Ms Chris McRae (CEO)
Phone: (08) 8531 1303
The Riverland Divison of General Practice (RDGP)
The RDGP aims to be the leading partner in improving the health and well being of our community. Membrship is open to:
- Full membership: general practitioners (the only membership group that has voting rights)
- Associate members: GP Registrars, Interns and medical students during their term of placement within the Riverland
- Practrice membership
- Specialist membership
- Allied health membership
- Honorary membership
Website: riverlandgp.org.au
Contact person: Dr Ian Gartley (chair)
Email: info@riverlandgp.org.au
Phone: 08 8582 3823
The Rural Doctors Association of NSW (RDANSW)
The RDANSW was formed in 1989. It provides strong representation for rural doctors (not just GPs) oon a state and national level as well as support for rural doctors.
Website: rdansw.com.au
Contact persons: Dr Emma Cunningham (president),
Sharon Elworthy (executive assistant)
Email: admin@rdansw.com.au
Phone: 1800 350 732 ( Mon. – Wed. 8:30am – 3:00pm)
The Rural Doctors Association of Queensland (RDAQ)
The RDAQ was formed in 1989 to support rural doctors and their families, and the communities in which they live and work.
Website: rdaq.com.au
Contact persons: Dr Natasha Coventry (president) - president@rdaq.com.au
Prof Tarun sen Gupta (Immediate Past President) - past-pres@rdaq.com.au
Dr Michael Rice (President Elect) - pres-elect@rdaq.com.au
Email: rdaq@rdaq.com.au
Phone: (07) 3221 4444
The Rural Doctors Association of SA (RDASA)
The RDASA was formed with a vision for excellence in medical care for rural regional and remote communities. Its aim is to act as an advocate to improve the health of rural communities.
Website: rdasa.com.au
Contact person: Dr Peter RischbiethEmail (RDASA President)
Email: info@rdasa.com.au
Phone: 0404 369 900
The Rural Doctors Association of WA (RDAWA)
The RDAWA was formed in 1991. Its aims include the facilitation of the highest standards of care for rural WA and support for rurla doctors.
Website: rdawa.com.au
Contact person: Dr Mike Eaton (president)
Email: Contact form
Phone: 08 9722 0500
The Rural Doctors Association of Victoria
The RDAV was formed in 1991 with the aim "to maintain and improve the health of rural residents, through association and representation of those doctors in Victorian rural towns and communities, with the specific purpose of fostering a workforce adequate to this task through lobbying for and on occasion providing, proper education, recruitment, retention and family support".
Website: rdav.com.au
Contact person: Dr Suzanne Harrison (president)
Email: execassist@rdav.com.au
Phone: (02) 6239 7730
The Rural Doctors Association of Tasmania (RDAT)
The RDAT was formed to assist the doctors in Tasmania. Its aim is to work for healthy rural and remote Tasmanian communities.
Website: rdat.com.au
Contact person: Dr Alexandra Smith (president)
Contact form: click here
The Rural Doctors Association of the Northern Territory
have their membership directly through the RDAA.
Website: rdaa.com.au
Email: Contact page
Phone: (02) 6239 7730