Twitter is a social networking service. Its users are able to send short messages, called tweets. These may be up to 140 characters in length. Registered users can read and send tweets. Unregistered users may only read them. Messages can be sent via the Web, via SMS or via a mobile dvice app.
Twitter was created in 2006 and rapidly became a wordwide phenomenon. It has more than 600 million users.
To use Twitter, use an app on your phone or mobile device or go to the Twitter website. Twitter has a useful page on how to get started (click here). A good article, All a Twitter, on Twitter is published on the MJA website.
Tweets can be interlinked by subject. These are denoted by a hashtag "#"and the subject name, eg #CloseTheGap
The following is a sampling of Twitter groups which relate to Australian general practice:
- Organizations
- AMA General Practice @AMAGenPractice
- ACRRM @ACRRM Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine -
Professional home of Rural Generalists & Specialist GPs
- The RDAA @RuralDocsAus The Rural Doctors Association of Australia
- AMA Victoria @amavictoria
- The MJA @theMJA Australia's leading peer-reviewed general medical journal
- Aboriginal Health @NACCHOAustralia Australia's peak Aboriginal health authority
- Training
- GP Supervisors @GPSupervisors General Practice Supervisors Australia
- GPRA @GPRALtd GP Registrars of Australia.
- AGPT Program @AGPT_GPTraining Australian General Practice Training program
- GP Training Tasmania @GPTTas GPTT is the regional training provider in Tasmania for Australian General Practice
- EV GP Training @GPTraining_Vic Delivering GP Training in Eastern Victoria.
- GP Synergy @GPSynergy The largest provider of vocational GP training in NSW
- NTGPE @NTGPE GP education and training in Indigenous health and primary health care in the NT
- WAGPET @WAGPET_WA GP education and training in WA
- Others
- RHWA @RuralHealthOz Rural Health Workforce Australia is the national body for the Rural Workforce Agency network
- Qld RG Pathway @QldRGP ...providing Queensland with a rural and remote medical workforce
- NRHA @NRHAlliance National Rural Health Alliance
- RXPG @rxpg_australia, a group for doctors and international medical graduates in Australia
- GPs Down Under @GPsDownUnder The largest online networking site connecting GPs in Australia and New Zealand.
- Medical Press
- Medical Observer @MedObserver Medical Observer is an Australian medical publication.
- Australian Doctor @australiandr Australian Doctor is an Australian medical publication.
- Oz Rural Doctor @OzRuralDoc Clinical updates, community news and opinions for rural doctors and health professionals.
- 6minutes medical @6_minutes A daily newsletter of interesting stuff for Australian doctors.
- AMA Media @ama_media The latest news and updates from the media team at the Australian Medical Association
- Doctors
- Dr Paul Grinzi @DrGrinzi - Aussie General Practitioner and Medical Educator
- Frank R Jones @R52Frank Primary Care Physician, West Australia
- Dr Liz Marles @LizMarles Director of Hornsby-Brooklyn GP Unit and immediate Past President RACGP
- Robin Park @Robapark GP on the Sunshine Coast QLD
- Evan Ackermann @EvanAckermann A GP who puts patient safety first. Chair RACGP National Standing Committee - Quality.
- Dr Edwin Kruys @EdwinKruys GP, RACGP Queensland Chair
- Dave Townsend @futuregp Med student, Designer, Healthcare #SocialMedia advocate & future rural GP
- Ewen McPhee @Fly_texan President Rural Doctors Association of Australia.
- Dan Halliday @RuralDocDan Rural Generalist, GP Obstetrician.
- Rural Generalist @ruralgeneralist Richard Abbott GP for thirty years obstetrics, anaesthetics and the rest.
- Tim Francis @DrTimFrancis Father, husband, cyclist, educator, rural GP
- Ed Vergara @EdVergara27 New Fellow of the RACGP. GP in outer metro Melbourne
- Tim Senior @timsenior GP in Aboriginal health & medical education
- Karen Price @brookmanknight GP, Co-Chair of Women in GP Committee Vic. RACGP
- Justin Coleman @drjustincoleman Ex-president: Aust Med Writers Assoc GP, Inala Indigenous Health
- Melanie Considine @ruralgreengp Rural GP
- Dr David Chessor @dchessor GP at Westside Medical Centre, Port Macquarie, Medical Educator
- Jan Sheringham @sheringham_jan Family doctor since graduation, December 1968
- Jim Glaspole @JGlaspole Urban GP
- Daniel Manahan @dmanahan Rural Procedural G
- Bob Vickers @drbobvickers RACGP/ACRRM Registrar
- Gerry Considine @ruralflyingdoc Pilot | Rural GP/locum |
- Daniel Byrne @ByrneTheD Family GP at Chandlers Hill Surgery
- Michael Tam @vitualis Michael Tam is a Staff Specialist in General Practice at the GP Unit in Fairfield Hospital
Note also the following article: Who has Australia’s most-followed Twitter accounts in health and medicine?, which lists the most popular health and medical tweets in Australia (not necessarily general practice, though).